Friday 30 October 2022
Friday 30 October 2022
Saturday 1 Oct 22
from 10 am - 12.05 pm : session 1
from 1.30 pm – 3.35 pm: session 2
from 4 pm to 6 pm: session 3
“LA BIOCHORISTA” a unique symbiosis between La BIOMISTA, nature & heavenly choral sounds.
During a fairytale evening walk in the twilight of this beautiful park, the public is surprised by the heavenly sounds of 6 international top choirs.
Moreover, this concert gives the listener the unique opportunity to discover LABIOMISTA at dusk.
Small and large theater
Choral Festival
Flanders Genk
12th International Choral Competition Cantate 2013
4-5-6 October 2013
Opening concert:
Nederlands Kamerkoor o.l.v. Kaspars Putniņš
Parels uit de Duitse Romantiek en Franse 20ste eeuw
Jury members:
Roland Coryn (BE): voorzitter
Lorenzo Donati (IT)
Harald Jers (DE)
Ragnar Rasmussen (NO)
Karmina Šilec (SI)
Composer of the compulsory work: Martin Slootmaekers
If for mixed choir
How oft, when thou, my music for female voice choir
Horror for male voice choir
Participants: Two categories:
Equal-voiced choirs
BE Makeblijde o.l.v. Filip Haentjens
CZ Foerstrovo Chamber Choir o.l.v. Jaroslav Brych NL Chamber Choir Cantate Venlo o.l.v. Dion Ritten
RU Mlada Male Choir o.l.v. Olga Vyguzova
Mixed choirs
BE Viermaliks o.l.v. Hans Scholliers
DE The Oldenburg Chamber Choir o.l.v. Johannes von Hoff
FI Juvenalia o.l.v. Matti Järvinen
LV Juventus o.l.v. Mārcis Imants
RU Academic Choir Mlada o.l.v. Olga Vyguzova
SI Orfej o.l.v. Romana Rek
SI St. Nicholas Choir o.l.v. Helena Fojkar Zupančič
VE Choral Group Venezziola o.l.v. Daniel Riera
Guest choirs and friendship concerts:
Lirica, Genk; Singhet Vro, Opglabbeek; Basilica-koor en Cantemus, Tongeren; De Oosterster, Veldwezelt-Lanaken; Genovevakoor uit Zussen-Riemst.