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  • We are interested in participating in the International Choral Festival Genk. What are our options?
    You can submit your application via the "Entries" button. After receiving the info and sound files, the contest organisers will decide whether your choir has been selected to participate in the contest.
  • As a competition choir, can we also participate in the workshop? Do we get a discount?
    Yes, you can but through advance registration. Discounts will be provided for competition choirs.
  • Is C-mine accessible for wheelchair users?
    C-mine is indeed wheelchair accessible. The competition halls are at ground level while catering is accessible via a lift.
  • Who can participate in the festival?
    All choirs that register will be allowed to participate in the festival that will take place on Sunday, October 6, 2023. You can register by going to the "registrations" page and choosing "register festival".
  • What programme should the choir sing at the festival?
    Each choir is free to sing its own programme. The only obligation is that the programme lasts about 20 minutes.
  • Is er een piano ter beschikking in de inzingruimte voor het festival?
    The organisation provides a piano and a pupiter for the conductor.
  • How can I register for the competition?
    - The entry fee is €400 per choir and category. - Choirs entering in two categories will be treated as separate choirs. - Entries must arrive at the secretariat by 15 March 2024. Entries are made exclusively via the entry form on the website: Additional information and documents are to be sent to the festival secretariat: - Postal address: IKV-Genk p/a Christiane Janssens, Oude Hoevestraat 51, 3600 Genk; - email: - Entries will only be accepted if all required documents and papers have been submitted in time and in full. - Registration form: the name of the choir is mentioned in its own language and in English via website; - Curriculum vitae of the choir (in English and/or Dutch, approx. 150 words in continuous text, via website) with recent photo(s) in digital jpeg format (minimum 300 dpi); - Curriculum vitae of the choral conductor (in English and/or Dutch, approx. 150 words) with recent photograph(s) in digital format jpeg format (minimum 300 dpi); - One copy of all choral works of the competition programme. On all scores, the composer's name, first name, date of birth and, if applicable, date of death should be given in Roman script; - Brief content summary of each choral work for the competition programme (in English and/or Dutch). Titles should be given in the original language and in English; - An audio recording, no more than two years old, with at least three a cappella songs.
  • How is the selection of competition choirs done?
    The selection of registered choirs will be based on the submitted documentation (scores, curriculum vitae and a recent sound recording). Choirs will be notified no later than 1 April 2024 whether they have been selected or not. Entry will only become final after receipt of the entry fee, which must reach the organisation by 30 April 2024 at the latest. If a selected choir cancels its participation, it loses its entry fee. After payment of the entry fee, selected choirs will receive the compulsory work.
  • What should the competition choirs sing?
    - Competition: For the competition on Saturday, each choir will present a programme from different style periods with a duration of 22 - 25 minutes including: - A work composed before 1900; - A work of their own country, composed after 1970; - The obligatory work (new composition of about 3'30 - 4'00) by a Flemish composer; - A monophonic (unison) folk song from one's own country (a cappella); - Some works of your choice, a cappella or accompanied by piano and/or non-melodic percussion. Choirs are free to determine the order of their competition programme. The final order must be communicated to the secretariat by 30 June 2024 at the latest and cannot be changed thereafter. The solo sections must be limited. - Concerts: For the concerts on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon, the choirs will provide a programme of 25-30 minutes of lighter music accessible to a wide audience. In this context, a folkloric character and/or costume will always be highly appreciated. - Festival song: The score of the festival song will be sent together with the compulsory work. - Proclamation: The proclamation will take place at C-mine on Sunday evening. The laureates will give a short performance during this proclamation.
  • Are there cash prizes available?
    Yes, indeed cash prizes are given to winners in various categories. Prizes by category: mixed choirs: first prize: €1,500 second prize: €1,250 equal-voice choirs: first prize: €1,500 second prize: €1,250 Special prizes: Prize for the best performance of the compulsory work in each category: €500 Prize for the best performance of the unison folksong: €500 Prize for the best elaborated and innovative programme: €500 Prize for the highest ranked choir of the competition: a work of art, donated by the city of Genk.
  • How is the jury composed?
    The international jury shall consist of five members. The jury secretariat is provided by the vzw "Internationaal Koorfestival Vlaanderen-Genk". All participating choirs will receive - in addition to their percentage result - a written assessment from each jury member. The verdict of the jury is indisputable.
  • Practical information for competition choirs
    Choirs are welcome at C-mine from Friday, October 4, 2024, 1.30pm. Address: C-Mine 10/1, Evence Coppéelaan 91, 3600 Genk, Belgium; GPS coordinates: Evence Coppélaan 91, B-3600 Genk, Belgium. Participating choir members and up to 3 accompanists and 2 drivers can choose their accommodation in host families, where available, at 30 euro per person for the entire duration of the choir festival; in youth hostel, guest house or hotel at their own expense; In the event of any earlier arrival and/or longer stay, the accommodation costs will be borne by the registered choir. A permanent accompanist is provided for each choir. The choirs themselves are responsible for the organisation and costs of travelling to and from Genk. A certificate of participation can be requested from the festival secretariat. Each choir shall submit its complete and definitive list of participants before 1 September 2024. This list must include surname, first name and date of birth. Upon registration in C-mine, the choir shall deliver 5 folders to the festival secretariat. Each folder contains one copy of all competition scores in the order in which they are sung at the competition. The folder shall clearly indicate the name of the choir and the city of origin. All folders can be collected at the secretariat after the competition.
  • Besides the acoustic test, can we rehearse in the competition hall?
    No, you can't.
  • Can we schedule extra rehearsals on Friday and Saturday?
    Yes, but this must be requested in advance. Rehearsal rooms are not necessarily located at C-mine.
  • Is there a piano available in the singing room?
    The organisation provides a piano and a pupiter for the conductor.
  • Is there parking available at C-mine?
    Parking is indeed available at C-mine. Both above-ground and underground car parks are provided.
  • Is the parking free?
    Parking overground and underground is free throughout the duration of the competition and festival.
  • Is there parking for buses?
    The competition organiser will provide car parks for buses. Information is available at the reception desk when choirs register.

©2023 by ikv-genk.

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