Friday 30 October 2022
Friday 30 October 2022
Saturday 1 Oct 22
from 10 am - 12.05 pm : session 1
from 1.30 pm – 3.35 pm: session 2
from 4 pm to 6 pm: session 3
“LA BIOCHORISTA” a unique symbiosis between La BIOMISTA, nature & heavenly choral sounds.
During a fairytale evening walk in the twilight of this beautiful park, the public is surprised by the heavenly sounds of 6 international top choirs.
Moreover, this concert gives the listener the unique opportunity to discover LABIOMISTA at dusk.
Small and large theater
Choral Festival
Flanders Genk
Compulsory works 2024
KURT BIKKEMBERGS, componist & muziekdocent
Kurt Bikkembergs kan bogen op een jarenlange ervaring als dirigent en componist met een grote voorliefde voor de hedendaagse koormuziek. Als neoconservatief herkent en aanvaardt hij de verworvenheden en kwaliteiten uit het verleden, zonder de positieve verwezenlijkingen van de huidige generatie uit het oog te verliezen.
Evenwel is hij bewust van maatschappelijk-economische valkuilen maar verliest hij zich hier niet in. Je leven ten dienste stellen van de muziek en van mensen is zijn leidmotief. Bikkembergs werkt graag met jongeren (van geest) die de muziek centraal willen stellen in hun leven en tijdens concerten, om luisteraars schoonheid te laten ervaren. Dit houdt onvemijdelijk zelfstudie, zelfreflectie en zelfontwikkeling in; zowel voor de leiding als voor de uitvoerders.
KURT BIKKEMBERGS, composer & music teacher
Kurt Bikkembergs boasts years of experience as a conductor and composer with a great fondness for contemporary choral music. As a neo-conservative, he recognises and accepts the achievements and qualities of the past, without losing sight of the positive achievements of the present generation.
However, he is aware of socio-economic pitfalls but does not lose himself in them. Putting your life at the service of music and people is his leitmotiv. Bikkembergs likes to work with young people (of spirit) who want to put music at the centre of their lives and at concerts, to let listeners experience beauty. This inevitably involves self-study, self-reflection and self-development; both for the conductors and performers.
Lyrics: Emily Dickinson
Music: Kurt Bikkembergs
DCXL prima pars for SSAA Stanzas 1 – 3 3’58”
DCXL secunda pars for TTBB Stanzas 4 – 9 3’55”
DCXL ultima pars for SATB Stanzas 10 – 12 4’15”
I cannot live with You -
It would be Life -
And Life is over there –
Behind the Shelf
The Sexton keeps the Key to -
Putting up
Our Life – His Porcelain –
Like a Cup –
Discarded of the Housewife -
Quaint – or Broke –
A newer Sevres pleases –
Old Ones crack –
I could not die – with You -
For One must wait
To shut the Other’s Gaze down -
You – could not –
And I – could I stand by
And see You – freeze –
Without my Right of Frost –
Death’s privilege ?
Nor could I rise – with You -
Because Your Face
Would put out Jesus’ -
That New Grace
Glow plain – and foreign
On my homesick Eye -
Except that You than He
Shone closer by -
They’d judge Us – How –
For You – served Heaven – You know,
Or sought to –
I could not –
Because You saturated Sight -
And I had no more Eyes
For sordid excellence
As Paradise
And were You lost, I would be -
Though My Name
Rang loudest
On the Heavenly fame -
And were You – saved –
And I – condemned to be
Where You were not –
That self – were Hell to Me -
So We must meet apart –
You there – I – here -
With just the Door ajar
That Oceans are – and Prayer -
And that White Sustenance -
Despair –